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Infinite Star Connections Podcast

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Night Sky with Stars
The Infinite Star Connections - Ep. 87 - David Wallace

The Infinite Star Connections - Ep. 87 - David Wallace

Get ready for "A Message of Hope for Earth from the Taurans!" Our esteemed guest, David Wallace, is an ambassador for the Taurus Constellation. In a truly unprecedented event, his guide, KYMJYM, will speak directly through him. This is the first time KYMJYM's voice will be heard in public. In 2008, David had a life-altering experience of contact with sentient beings from the Taurus Cloud, Aldebaran Star system. He was transported to a terra-formed planet named 'Bro-Kali' on January 7th, 2017. There, he was invited to share all the information he had accumulated over his lifetime about animals, the earth's current environment, and humankind's behavior with some 2000 ambassadors, scientists, and dignitaries of both the Galactic Council of Scientists and members of the Galactic Federation of Planets. His ongoing physical contact with the 'Blues' from Taurus has been a transformative journey. After 11 years of public speaking and teaching, David moved home to the beach in Hermosa, where he now lives with his son and owns and operates Southern California's only all-natural ingredient Fruit Pie shop. David Wallace specializes in Astrophysics, telemetry, cartography, optics, and light emissions. He is currently writing several abstracts on 4 New Quantum Physics sciences in deep space navigation, exotic sound theorem, and a new quantum hypertext for communicating vast amounts of information through mathematic light language, which he calls C.L.P.T and C.L.P.F. To contact David, please email Join us for an episode filled with love and hope for Gaia!
The Infinite Star Connections - Ep. 71 - Debbie Solaris

The Infinite Star Connections - Ep. 71 - Debbie Solaris

Are you curious about ancient galactic history? We are excited to welcome Debbie Solaris to the Infinite Star Connections. She is an ET contactee, inter-dimensional traveler, and Galactic historian. After a fateful extraterrestrial contact experience a few years ago, Debbie awakened to her true star lineage and higher calling. Through her ancestral connection with the Akashic Records, she has been receiving downloads of galactic historical information and universal spiritual knowledge ever since. She feels that it’s a big part of her mission while here on Earth to help awaken others to their own true Divine selves and cosmic origins. She is also a certified Akashic Records Reader and gifted intuitive, using information channeled from her Arcturian and Pleiadian guides to heal and assist others on their own spiritual journeys. Debbie was recently featured on the Beyond Belief Show with George Noory and on Open Minds with Regina Meredith on Gaia TV Conscious Media, which showcased her extraterrestrial contact experiences and remembrance of ancient Galactic history and how that led her to her higher mission of helping all of us to remember and reconnect with our cosmic star heritage. Using a unique and expansive perspective, Debbie offers visually appealing, multimedia-rich classes, webinars, and presentations on extraterrestrial life and culture, galactic history, and ancient civilizations, as well as starseed and light worker enrichment workshops. Website:


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